Question Bank

Q : 1 Explain the structure of human eye in detail.
Q : 2 Explain working of CRT.
Q : 3 Differentiate between Raster Scan display and Random Scan display.
Q : 4 Explain different Flat Display Devices.
Q : 5 Explain various types of Touch Screen with example.
Q : 6 Explain various types of Image filtering options.
Q : 7 Explain various input devices with example.
Q : 8 Differentiate between Image Smoothing and Sharpening
Q : 9 Write down steps of Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.
Q : 10 Explain various Noise Models for the Image in detail.
Q : 11 Differentiate between Boundry fill and Flood fill algorithm.
Q : 12 Explain Transaltion, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection and Shear with matrix representation.
Q : 13 Explain various attributes of Line, Filled Area and Text.
Q : 14 Explain Image Sampling process in details.
Q : 15 Write a short note on Cohen Sutherland algorithm of Line Clipping.
Q : 16 Explain Image Quantization in details.