Most commonly used Tags in HTML
- HTML tag: It is the root of the html document which is used to specify that the document is html.
<html> Statements... </html>
Head tag: Head tag is used to contain all the head element in the html file. It contains the title, style, meta, … etc tag.
<head> Statements... </head>
Body tag: It is used to define the body of html document. It contains image, tables, lists, … etc.
<body> Statements... </body>
Title tag: It is used to define the title of html document. Syntax
<title> Statements... </title>
Heading tag: It is used to define the heading of html document.
<h1> Statements... </h>
<h2> Statements... </h2>
<h3> Statements... </h3>
<h4> Statements... </h4>
<h5> Statements... </h5>
<h6> Statements... </h6>
Paragraph tag: It is used to define paragraph content in html document.
<p> Statements... </p>
Emphasis tag: It is used to renders as emphasized text.
<em> Statements... </em>
Bold tag: It is used to specify bold content in html document.
<b> Statements... </b>
Italic tag: It is used to write the content in italic format.
<i> Statements... </i>