Python Turtle Programming

Hands On No. 9 : To design a face of Robert Downey Jr. on click events

To design a face of Robert Downey Jr. on click events

from re import T
import turtle as tu
import random
color = ['blue','green','maroon','cyan','gold'] 
def fun(x, y): 
    global color
    r = random.randint(0, 7) 
scr = tu.Screen() 
scr.setup(500, 400) 

class rdj:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mouth = [(374, 382),(368, 382),(359, 382),(347, 379),(339, 381),(334, 384),(323, 380),(315, 380),(293, 385),(321, 387),(339, 387),(345, 386),(357, 385),(374, 383),(-1, -1),(389, 389),(393, 387),(395, 381),(395, 373),(377, 362),(366, 357),(358, 360),(351, 357),(345, 354),(344, 357),(337, 355),(333, 357),(327, 355),(323, 357),(303, 362),(293, 365),(286, 367),(282, 374),(277, 376),(279, 394),(286, 390),(293, 380),(297, 378),(302, 378),(304, 375),(307, 378),(310, 374),(313, 377),(315, 373),(319, 375),(322, 374),(325, 376),(329, 375),(336, 375),(342, 374),(350, 374),(353, 376),(357, 374),(369, 374),(372, 377),(374, 374),(377, 378),(383, 379),(389, 389),]
        self.nose = [(342, 305),(342, 313),(344, 321),(344, 328),(343, 335),(338, 342),(331, 344),(322, 343),(313, 340),(310, 339),(307, 339),(303, 333),(301, 338),(305, 343),(313, 344),(323, 349),(332, 353),(343, 345),(346, 342),(354, 342),(359, 338),(360, 329),(355, 322),(348, 320),(348, 323),(354, 325),(356, 331),(353, 336),(348, 335),(350, 330),(348, 323),(343, 305),]
        self.dress = [(56, 513),(222, 433),(247, 393),(249, 408),(254, 425),(265, 456),(265, 456),(273, 478),(280, 495),(283, 509),(294, 539),(302, 527),(314, 515),(328, 503),(347, 491),(350, 493),(340, 499),(349, 507),(359, 517),(380, 498),(397, 505),(412, 516),(425, 526),(432, 533),(435, 539),(399, 523),(399, 530),(395, 538),(353, 539),(347, 530),(320, 519),(300, 539),(293, 539),(-1, -1),(363, 507),(391, 478),(401, 458),(422, 408),(423, 398),(420, 407),(400, 440),(386, 460),(377, 471),(371, 475),(366, 480),(357, 482),(348, 478),(339, 470),(330, 462),(316, 453),(301, 444),(276, 420),(248, 391),(253, 399),(267, 419),(278, 430),(288, 441),(295, 445),(303, 453),(326, 475),(338, 484),(347, 492),(353, 498),(363, 508),(371, 500),(-1, -1),(427, 401),(437, 486),(441, 526),(443, 539),(624, 539),(625, 477),(528, 449),(477, 428),(447, 412),(428, 401),]
        self.face = [(328, 461),(316, 457),(305, 453),(297, 446),(286, 436),(284, 434),(280, 431),(277, 431),(279, 428),(275, 428),(272, 423),(262, 411),(250, 395),(244, 387),(241, 382),(238, 377),(235, 372),(236, 367),(234, 363),(234, 358),(231, 354),(231, 349),(230, 346),(231, 343),(228, 339),(229, 336),(226, 330),(227, 324),(223, 320),(224, 317),(221, 311),(216, 310),(212, 306),(213, 302),(216, 308),(220, 306),(220, 297),(217, 294),(219, 284),(216, 279),(216, 272),(211, 266),(208, 272),(206, 266),(207, 256),(205, 249),(204, 243),(204, 237),(208, 233),(208, 229),(206, 229),(206, 222),(202, 215),(202, 210),(197, 204),(198, 197),(193, 193),(192, 173),(190, 170),(191, 166),(190, 162),(191, 159),(188, 154),(186, 148),(188, 142),(188, 135),(188, 127),(191, 122),(186, 121),(177, 112),(185, 115),(179, 105),(188, 114),(182, 98),(191, 109),(194, 104),(200, 101),(194, 99),(203, 94),(206, 85),(211, 82),(218, 80),(213, 78),(208, 79),(212, 76),(218, 76),(216, 69),(218, 64),(219, 70),(221, 75),(223, 68),(230, 64),(231, 58),(234, 56),(235, 52),(236, 47),(240, 42),(242, 35),(252, 32),(270, 28),(283, 28),(290, 28),(297, 29),(304, 33),(318, 29),(332, 28),(346, 27),(356, 27),(366, 29),(379, 36),(363, 24),(375, 26),(389, 36),(397, 40),(405, 45),(411, 54),(422, 61),(429, 70),(433, 83),(435, 91),(436, 79),(436, 99),(436, 106),(441, 99),(435, 113),(450, 108),(469, 111),(477, 108),(473, 114),(467, 126),(477, 120),(479, 124),(471, 132),(473, 136),(472, 145),(483, 148),(479, 151),(480, 161),(483, 168),(480, 173),(480, 178),(476, 184),(474, 190),(472, 196),(465, 197),(462, 204),(462, 211),(461, 217),(459, 224),(463, 231),(456, 229),(452, 237),(449, 245),(448, 254),(448, 262),(450, 257),(452, 251),(454, 244),(458, 239),(462, 243),(462, 251),(458, 246),(456, 251),(454, 255),(458, 257),(452, 266),(454, 273),(455, 282),(452, 288),(453, 296),(458, 286),(457, 295),(453, 303),(449, 304),(448, 297),(450, 290),(453, 280),(448, 273),(448, 280),(446, 288),(445, 300),(444, 308),(448, 315),(454, 311),(454, 317),(449, 319),(443, 316),(442, 327),(439, 339),(437, 350),(433, 362),(430, 370),(430, 378),(426, 385),(420, 393),(416, 399),(411, 404),(408, 409),(403, 414),(399, 419),(394, 427),(386, 435),(381, 441),(376, 444),(371, 448),(367, 451),(359, 456),(352, 458),(348, 461),(341, 461),(336, 463),(330, 459),(328, 462),(316, 457),]
        self.iface = [(311, 400),(324, 402),(338, 402),(347, 402),(356, 399),(363, 397),(359, 402),(356, 408),(353, 414),(348, 419),(349, 426),(359, 426),(362, 430),(367, 433),(374, 434),(376, 436),(379, 432),(383, 433),(385, 427),(393, 419),(394, 416),(398, 413),(400, 408),(401, 394),(408, 402),(415, 394),(421, 385),(424, 380),(424, 373),(427, 367),(432, 353),(434, 345),(436, 339),(434, 330),(438, 322),(438, 312),(437, 310),(440, 309),(441, 293),(443, 288),(441, 284),(444, 275),(440, 265),(442, 233),(439, 227),(439, 221),(434, 211),(425, 203),(432, 203),(421, 192),(430, 196),(421, 187),(430, 187),(419, 178),(432, 180),(420, 172),(428, 174),(422, 165),(415, 159),(413, 147),(408, 140),(403, 140),(402, 138),(395, 139),(394, 136),(388, 138),(386, 136),(379, 138),(377, 133),(372, 134),(369, 131),(364, 134),(360, 133),(355, 135),(353, 131),(348, 132),(347, 127),(346, 131),(343, 127),(336, 131),(331, 128),(327, 130),(323, 126),(319, 129),(313, 125),(309, 131),(306, 126),(303, 131),(297, 126),(296, 131),(289, 127),(287, 130),(282, 126),(280, 132),(274, 128),(274, 135),(268, 131),(264, 135),(256, 134),(256, 139),(251, 138),(252, 142),(246, 142),(247, 146),(244, 149),(245, 154),(239, 154),(243, 160),(236, 163),(242, 164),(233, 169),(238, 170),(231, 177),(237, 176),(227, 184),(237, 180),(229, 190),(237, 189),(229, 198),(237, 195),(232, 202),(239, 205),(229, 212),(238, 210),(232, 215),(238, 215),(233, 220),(227, 227),(224, 237),(224, 246),(226, 253),(226, 259),(227, 267),(227, 277),(224, 291),(223, 304),(225, 311),(228, 319),(231, 330),(234, 340),(235, 349),(237, 361),(241, 372),(248, 385),(252, 391),(258, 397),(264, 402),(268, 396),(272, 398),(272, 406),(279, 414),(278, 419),(284, 426),(292, 431),(292, 435),(296, 438),(299, 438),(301, 442),(308, 439),(313, 435),(317, 435),(319, 430),(321, 428),(325, 426),(327, 426),(332, 424),(331, 416),(326, 416),(318, 408),(318, 404),(311, 400),(324, 402),]
        self.ebrow = [(339, 243),(339, 248),(343, 254),(350, 256),(358, 251),(367, 248),(382, 247),(397, 249),(407, 252),(418, 258),(419, 253),(414, 245),(399, 235),(391, 235),(381, 237),(372, 238),(361, 243),(353, 245),(343, 255),(-1, -1),(321, 246),(320, 258),(314, 257),(305, 254),(263, 253),(245, 259),(243, 257),(246, 250),(253, 245),(260, 242),(269, 241),(276, 241),(282, 243),(291, 245),(305, 245),(311, 249),(319, 252),(322, 246),]
        self.lines = [(345, 313),(344, 308),(343, 297),(343, 282),(-1, -1),(367, 340),(384, 357),(-1, -1),(295, 337),(280, 359),(-1, -1),(385, 278),(394, 278),(400, 273),(408, 264),(400, 261),(389, 257),(377, 258),(371, 260),(358, 269),(362, 272),(-1, -1),(395, 257),(371, 254),(353, 263),(-1, -1),(303, 274),(309, 273),(297, 263),(290, 262),(272, 262),(261, 270),(256, 271),(262, 271),(269, 277),(283, 281),(-1, -1),(255, 267),(271, 260),(282, 259),(291, 259),(300, 260),(311, 264),]
        self.eyes = [(375, 260),(375, 266),(378, 271),(384, 273),(389, 270),(391, 267),(392, 264),(391, 260),(388, 258),(384, 257),(379, 257),(375, 261),(-1,-1),(291, 263),(292, 269),(289, 273),(286, 276),(281, 276),(276, 273),(274, 269),(274, 265),(276, 263),(281, 262),(287, 262),(291, 263),]
        self.eball = [(281, 266),(279, 267),(277, 266),(277, 264),(279, 263),(281, 264),(281, 266),(-1, -1),(379, 259),(382, 260),(382, 263),(380, 264),(378, 263),(377, 261),(379, 259),]
        self.pen = tu.Turtle()
        self.x_offset = 300
        self.y_offset = 300


    def go(self, x, y):

    def paint(self,coord,co=(0,0,0)):
        t_x,t_y = coord[0]
        t = 0
        for i in coord[1:]:
            x,y = i
            if t:
                t = 0
            if x == -1 and y == -1:
                t = 1

    def draw_fn(self,coord,mode = 1,co = (0,0,0),thickness = 1):
        co = (co[0]/255,co[1]/255,co[2]/255)


        if mode:
            t_x,t_y = coord[0]
            t = 0
            for i in coord[1:]:
                x,y = i
                if t:
                    t = 0
                if x == -1 and y == -1:
                    t = 1
            self.paint(coord=coord,co = co)

    def draw(self,retain=True):
        self.draw_fn(self.dress,mode = 0)
        self.draw_fn(self.face,mode = 0)
        self.draw_fn(self.iface,co = (255,255,255),mode = 0)
        self.draw_fn(self.mouth,mode = 0)
        self.draw_fn(self.nose,mode = 0)
        self.draw_fn(self.ebrow,mode = 0)
        self.draw_fn(self.lines,mode = 1,thickness=2)
        self.draw_fn(self.eyes,mode = 0)
        self.draw_fn(self.eball,mode = 0,co = (255,255,255))
        if retain:
pen = rdj()