Python Programming

Tutorial No. 6 : Generators and Iterators

Iterators in Python

Iterators are objects that can be iterated upon. An object which will return data, one element at a time.Python iterator objects should implement two methods, __iter__() and __next__(), collectively called the iterator protocol.An object is called iterable if we can get an iterator from it. For example: list, tuple, string etc. are the iterables.

# define a list
l = ['A','B','C','D']

# get an iterator using iter()
my_iter = iter(l)

# iterate through it using next()

# Output: A

# Output: B

# Usage of __next__() method
# Output: C 

# Output: D

# This will raise error, no data is left

Generators in Python

Generators are also one type of user defined functions which generates some value.yield() method is used to generate the values.

                                # A simple generator function
def simp_gen():
    n = 1
    print('This will print '+str(n))
    # Generator function contains yield statements
    yield n
    n = n+1
    print('This will print '+str(n))
    yield n

    n = n+1
    print('This will print '+str(n))
    yield n

a = simp_gen()
# This will print 1
# This will print 2
# This will print 3
# This will print an Error


Definition : 1 Display the sum of first n numbers using generator and Iterator. Value n will be entered by the user.
Solution using Iterator

#Take Input from user
n = int(input('Enter Value of N '))

#Create a list
l = range(1,n+1)

sum = 0
#Make List iterable
l_iter = iter(l)


#Calculate Sum
while i < n:
  sum = sum + next(l_iter)
  i = i+1

print('Sum is ' +str(sum))
Solution using Generator